DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (yes or no) -->

a forest



You cut your heart out every night just to feel it beat in your chest again by morning. Some kind of Sisyphus shit. And for what crime? For thinking you could ask yourself, “is this all there is to life?” and answer with sincerity, “what more could I want?”

What more could you want? You had won every prize you desired. So you stood still for a moment to take it all in, and watched it all fall away.

The absurdity “moving forward” on a planet that spins beneath your feet just makes you laugh and laugh. You were never going anywhere. You were never meant to be anything. You thought you were a person, but you are just meat that feeds the trees once your flesh has suitably ripened.

Know your fucking place.

I know mine.

Only now do I truly know mine.


